11 Ways to Make Chronic Pain Easier In the Mornings 64b9855986d52.jpeg

11 Ways to Make Chronic Pain Easier In the Mornings

Mornings can be one of the most challenging times of the day for people with chronic pain. While ordinary people may experience mild stiffness which fades away as they get ready for the work, patients with chronic pain may go through way more debilitating times. In most cases, long hours of stretching and waiting for the morning medicines to start working are the only ways to be able to get out of the bed.

For many, mornings are the best time of the day as it brings a refreshing feeling. Chronic pain can be challenging, and patients may feel physically and emotionally exhausted. Waking up to such an amount of pain can be overwhelming and frustrating, especially when you have some work to do, such as work or school. For those patients, we consulted with our pain experts of Arizona to share their tips on how they can deal with chronic pain and make mornings manageable. If you are the one who needs to read this, understand that you are accompanied by many.

11 Ways to Make Chronic Pain Easier In the Mornings

Without further ado, let us get right on the topic.

Start Preparations The Night Before

Whether you are suffering from pain or not, this old trick is useful for everyone. When you have most of your things prepared beforehand, the chances of feeling uncomfortable in the morning are close to none. Plus, you do not have to rush to get ready. You can set a reminder on your phone to take the medication early in the morning and go back to sleep so that you do not have to wait for the medicines to kick-in. Make sure you keep food, drinks on the table that is reachable from your bed. Prepare the breakfast, lunches and lay out the clothes the day before to start the day with much ease.

Maintain The Daily Morning Care Routine

When you know how the pain reacts with each of your muscles and joints, it helps you establish the morning daycare plan. Stick with your schedule and make sure you include the following activities in that to avoid the worst of the day.

  • Mild exercise
  • Heat application
  • Ice pack application
  • Shower
  • Medications

Start Early And Slow

Slow steps can save you from unnecessary frustration. Rushing can only make your morning more frustrating and stressful. Go early to bed and set the alarm to start your day early. Approach slowly towards finishing your morning tasks and attain the most effective and comfortable way with time.

Stretch And Exercise Regularly

You can get your body moving while laying on the bed. Stretching and mild activation exercises like yoga can be helpful in the morning to kick-start your day. It promotes blood circulation in the affected area that reduces stiffness and improves mobility.

Morning Relaxations

Give yourself some time to relax in the morning. Play your favorite songs while you sip some extra cups of tea or coffee. Do whatever you like to do as it makes your morning more relaxing and gets you into a positive state of mind.

Nurture Your Feet

When it is about weight, our feet bear our body weight more than we know. Use thick and padded slippers to walk around the home and ensure to keep a soft mat near your bed. Avoid stepping on hard or cold surfaces when you get out of bed as it only aggravates the pain.

Let Your Near And Dear Ones Be A Part Of Your Routine

When your loved ones are aware of your physical conditions and needs, the journey to recovery gets easy. Whether you are living with your girlfriend/boyfriend, wife, parents, roommates, or other family members, ask them for help when necessary. Let them figure out how they can contribute to making your mornings more relaxing and more manageable.

Topical creams and ointments like turmeric and peppermint essential oils can help reduce the morning pain and stiffness.

Try Topical Remedies

Topical creams and ointments like turmeric and peppermint essential oils can help reduce the morning pain and stiffness. Just ensure you use the carrier oil before you apply that on your body. You can dilute the topical creams in the oil made from jojoba or olive to avoid irritation on the skin.

Take The Vitamin D Medications Or Supplements

For the optimal health of the bones and muscles, vitamin D is vital. We either get that from sunlight or diet. Sadly, most of us do not get that in a sufficient amount through the diet. In such cases, you can have a word with your doctor to choose the right vitamin D supplement or food.

Try Planks

Planks interfere with most of your body muscles, especially the core ones. While it makes your abdominal muscles stronger, planks reduce the stress on your back. Ultimately, it alleviates lower back pain.

To perform planks, you have to start facedown on the floor and curl up the tows. Then, keep the forearms and elbow aligned with your wrists. Lift the body off the floor and try to keep the chin as close as possible to your neck. Try holding the plank for at least 30 seconds with your abs crushed.

Drink Plenty Of Water Throughout The Day

As we all know, around 60% of our body is made of water and organs like the brain, skin, muscles, and connective tissues depend on water to function correctly. Unfortunately, around 75% of American residents suffer from chronic dehydration. Chronic dehydration means we lack the liquid in our bodies. In simple terms, the fluids we take out do not equate with the liquids we take in. dehydration can lead to many health issues such as memory problems, brain fog, and irritability. However, the significant aftereffects of dehydration are chronic pain, muscles aches, and joint stiffness. Medical experts recommend drinking at least 8 oz of water each day, and if you live in hotter areas or perform intense physical activities, you should drink water even more. Water helps your body with joint lubrication, promotes muscle healing and eventually, prevents pain when you wake up.


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