Shoulder Pain Treatment Conditions

Shoulder Conditions that may require Treatment Shoulders are the part of our body where our collarbone, shoulder blades, and upper arm bones meet. The shoulder blades have round-shaped sockets in which our upper arm bones perfectly fit on each side of the body. The rotator cuff, made up of four muscles and tendons, holds both […]

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What Are Spinal Injections?

Spinal injections have two core purposes: To diagnose the source of back pain, or other forms of pain To treat pain In most cases, spinal injections are used as part of a wider-reaching treatment program. This program will typically include a comprehensive exercise program to help you improve and regulate spinal mobility. This is achieved

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What Are Epidural Injections

Epidural steroid injections (ESIs) involve a minimally invasive procedure. These injections are used to help relieve back pain along with other forms of pain like back, arm, and neck pain. ESIs are used when the pain is caused by inflamed nerves in the spine due to disc herniation or spinal stenosis. Pain relief can last

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Spinal injections are also known as epidural injections, but why is this? Well, “epi” is the Greek word for on or upon. The dura is the outer layer of the sac of soft tissue enclosing the spinal cord along with the cauda equina. A spinal injection, them, is when medicine is injected into the dura.

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